Smart Consult
Medonogo's Smart Consult is a unique module built with essential features for efficient Healthcare delivery- Remote/ Telecare, Patient Engagement, Analytics, and Clinical Decision Support System
Implemented By
Smart Consults
Medongo Smart Health 3 Tab Module to delivery effecient care As stated in this article, you can browse your selection of available deals on smartphones and top brands and explore the cell phone service plans that best suit your needs.
MedOnGo CliniSmart Kiosk
- Provide an extensive list of drugs available
- Real time monitoring of medicine stock
- Accurate reporting of consumption details
- E-Prescription generation and printing
- Easy integration of medicine dispensing to MVM (Medicine Vending Machine) module
- Auto generates alerts when stock reached to its minimum level
Patient Engagement
Patient Portal and App
Monitor vitals on a day to day basis and customized to Diabetes, Hypertension, Cardiovascular MedOnGo to constantly add disease-specific engagement modules into solution
Patient Chronic Disease Management
Monitor vitals on a day to day basis and customized to Diabetes, Hypertension, Cardiovascular MedOnGo to constantly add disease-specific engagement modules into solution
Patient Advisory
Automatic updates on consultations, appointments. Connects to Homecare devices to collect real time data. Connected to family and caregivers for remote monitoring.
Clinical Decision Support System
Clinical Decision Support Systems (CDSS) generally assists Clinicians based on data available about a particular patient, area, region and also general knowledge about the particular disease and latest research
CDSS at the point of care is helpful to avoid costly errors and provide better care based on patient and case-based reasoning. Our CDSS is based on patient data collected and is rules engine based
The system is designed in such a way that it will become more and more effective as the system is used more
MedOnGo’s roadmap to further help clinicians in the decision making of diagnosis and managing the patient with the best clinical pathways. MedOnGo is integrating its CDSS with pharmacological and pharmaceutical data in arriving at effective prescriptions
Health Analytics
Personal Health Analytics
Digitizing entire historical paper-based data at the personal level, analytics based on present, historical and family data
Population Health Analytics
Disease trends with Historical Unstructured Data with data collected everyday from 100s of clinics MedOnGo operating
Medical Administrator Assistance
Reports, Dashboards, and Alerts to Authorities and Stakeholders to take action in right time and even preventive action at the regional and clinic level with Hospitalization, Rehospitalization, Fraud Monitoring